Our Services
Providing custom & practical solutions for your success
We love to serve clients who are at the intersection of business, education and government; that linkage is a fluid dynamic that requires experience and knowledge in navigating system complexities in real time. Whether you are a locality, a non-profit, a small business or a major corporation, our team’s experience will help you move forward.
If your need is time-sensitive and deadline-driven, or longer-term consulting and advisory coaching, The RiverLink Group can assist you. We work with a team of Professional Partners and utilize a network linked to many economic development specialists across Virginia. Contact us to discuss your needs.
If your need is time-sensitive and deadline-driven, or longer-term consulting and advisory coaching, The RiverLink Group can assist you. We work with a team of Professional Partners and utilize a network linked to many economic development specialists across Virginia. Contact us to discuss your needs.

Economic & Community Development Action Strategies
Organizational Assessments
Economic Impact Analyses
Rural Economic Development
Facilitation Services
Stakeholder Engagement